Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bar-ce-lona!!! Days 183-188


My arrival in Barcelona was delayed a bit due to the loose relationship I am having with planning at the moment. I booked my flight with a discount airline and only noticed the day of my departure that I wasn't headed to Barcelona proper, but instead a city an hour away. A little last minute hostel booking and I had a new plan in motion.

The little I saw of the city of Girona was adorable. It's too bad that I didn't do more research because a day wandering around would have been fantastic, but such is life and I have a cousin to see. My cousin Maximillion is currently living in Barcelona and I will be catching up with him on the bookends of a weekend with my friend Stuart from Lancaster.

Max and I were reunited magically without the aid of cell phones right next to his apartment. The timing couldn't have been better, remember all the shopping I did in London? My bag is ridiculously heavy. I happily crashed on his quiet couch for a power nap while he took care of real life matters. When he returned, we took a walk up to Park Güell with a couple of beers to take in the sights. The lookout was fantastic, I wish I had a working camera.

The next day we spent the afternoon at the beach swimming, laying out and catching up before heading to Las Ramblas to meet up with Stuart and his friend Maher. Our new group hit the gothic district for some mojitos before saying hasta manana. The timing of Stu's visit was perfect as Max is working all weekend, so now I have someone to run around with!

Friday, bright and early I met Stuart at the hostel, checked-in and rounded up a group to head to the beach. What I wouldn't do to live next to a beach fit for laying out! Heading back to the hostel about dusk we said goodbye to a new friend who was heading to the airport and took a journey up to Max's apartment for sushi night. With the intentions of grabbing one last beer before we headed down to the city center we found ourselves in a bar full of people from Peru salsa dancing and having a grand time. We awkwardly sat sipping our beers and putting together an exit plan when the dancing stopped and our applause was welcomed with dead silence and blank stares. After what felt like an entirety the entire bar broke out in laughter and the dancers came to drag us onto the dance floor. We spent the rest of the night and much of the next morning becoming best friends over conversations in broken english and some horrible attempts and latin dance moves. A random and amazing night for all. Somethings you can't plan from a guidebook.


At the BEACH! I am going to miss the beach so much.

Saturday we put on our tourist hats. We walked Las Ramblas, visited the Sagrada Familia and stopped by an amazing market. We grabbed dinner at a great greek place that was playing the World Cup game and headed back for what was meant to be a quiet night at the hostel.

I don't think Stuart and I do quiet. I should have known better. We started at the hostel bar where we found a group that was going out for a "quiet pub drink" and many stops later we are dashing back to the hostel at 5am to collect the boy's belongings and get them to the airport. The accidental night of crazy was an appropriate way to say adios to Stuart. Crazy to think I met him six months ago on a train in Thailand, ran into him a week later walking down the streets of Luang Prabang, spent a night kicking his shoe down the crowded streets of Bangkok to win a bet and was welcomed by him and his family while I visited England. Properly exhausted and a bit more hungover than I would like to admit, I was satisfied with the send off and I retired to Max's for a quiet night in. Tomorrow we head back to my aunt's house in Madrid and I prepare for my trip back to the states.


Sagrada Familia


More tile al a Barcelona



The last picture taken from my beloved Canon, RIP. We have been around the world together. 
You will be missed.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Days 169-174 Reunion in Lancaster and Liverpool


I set off on the early bus to Lancaster to arrive in time to watch the big World Cup game between England and Algeria. Lancaster is a college town that kind of reminds me a bit of Bellingham. After wasting a few hours in the town center I met up with Stuart, my travel buddy that I met in Thailand a few months ago, and we set out to drop my stuff, grab a pint and catch the game. The outcome was a 0-0 tie. Same story that came out of the USA vs. England game earlier this week. Stuart tried to tell me that if America had won he wouldn't have fetched me from the train.. psh. I don't think they take football that seriously over here, do they?

The night continued with a few more drinks and introductions to more of Stu's friends. For the first time in a long while I was sleeping at a non-hostel and got to sleep in. When I finally crawled out of bed I was pleasantly surprised by a Saturday tradition at Stu's place. Katie (his roommate) and Stu make a big brekkie for friends that stop by for a brew (not beer, tea or coffee) and hang for a bit on Saturday morning. Seems like a good idea to me. If only I could be guaranteed to wake up in time for a meal that could be called breakfast on most Saturday mornings I would be interested in bringing this tradition stateside.

Bad picture, but the best out of the bunch. Out after the football game

On Saturday we headed out to have a drink with Stu's parents at the oldest pub in Lancaster and made our way back by way of a few more pubs. A group of his friends came over that night and we had a good time talking and listening to music, just relaxing. Sunday was a day for recovery and a bit of sightseeing. To cap off my Lancaster tour we stopped by the Ashton Memorial and saw a great view of the town center.

View from the Ashton Memorial

On Monday Stuart was back to work and I set out for a day in Liverpool. Taking off on the early train I arrived in Liverpool in time to take the river tour (a must-see from Stu's dad) and it was a perfect hour on the water in the sunshine. I am loving this sun trend after all the rain and gloom at the start of this trip. Next stop, the Liverpool Tate. The collection included a piece by Andy Warhol and other notable works. Still loving that museums are free. Whooooot.

Picture of a pretty building from the boat ride

Next, I sought out a pint at the Cavern Club where the Beatles got their start. I headed into the Cavern PUB, sat down and ordered a drink and a few minutes later the bartender informed me that I was at the PUB not CLUB. I would have to venture across the street to check this life experience off my bucket list. So, one pint down I head across the street just in time for the John Lennon show. Another beer in hand (note I haven't eaten yet) I am hanging out with John and learning a little about Beatles history. One littler beer later, provided by John, I set out for the train as Stu is expecting me to be back when he gets off of work.

Note: This is the Cavern PUB


I make it to the train station and get on the first of two trains back to Lancaster with no issue. Fifteen minutes later I switch trains and still in good time to make it back as promised. Remember when I said I had a few beers and didn't catch lunch? The boos caught up with me and I fell asleep with the train in heading north. I woke up 30 minutes past Lancaster station and on my way to Scotland. I had missed my stop and would have to wait until Carlisle to get off and correct the situation. One frantic phone call later, one very sobered up Katrina gets back on the train and waits out the journey back to Lancaster, where I am sure I will catch a lot of shit for mucking up the journey. Dinner ready and a British movie to cap off the night put me to ease after my self-induced stressful afternoon.

After a peaceful Tuesday hanging out with Katie, Stu's roommate, we head to his parents house to have tea and bid farewell until Barcelona. Stu has hooked me up with a ride to Scotland and a place to with his sister after I detour to Glasgow. In about a week we will reunite in my still favorite country, ESPANA!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The BEAUTIFUL City of Edinburgh Days 180-182

Edinburgh Castle, I have a temporary camera work around figured out

Sunday was a day of late awakening. Books and coffee outside in the sunshine and walks through graveyards before returning for a driving tour of the city and drinks at a local pub. Relaxing. Simple. Great.

It's bad luck to pick up the gravestones, I think....

Monday I set out to see the sights. I stopped by the castle of Edinburgh. I didn't actually tour it as I was told the outside was the most interesting part. I continued onto the Museum of Scotland and got an education on Scottish heritage. Next I found some delicious Korean food for lunch! Win! I then meandered through the National Gallery of Scotland before sitting on a park bench to be shit on by a bird.....yes, you heard right. That dictated a trip home to change my clothes before the walking tour I wanted to join that evening. A few laughs, dinner and a load of laundry later I set out for my tour.

The tour was one of the more interesting ones I have joined on this trip. The guide was insightful and provided a lot of history of Edinburgh while leading us through back alleys, graveyards and up to Arthur's Seat. After the tour I went out for a few drinks with a couple of the travelers and then headed back to crash, tomorrow ESPANA!!!

Philosopher David Hume's tomb

Ediburgh at night

Day 156 Castle Time


Today I trekked up to Prague castle to see what other travelers were arguing about last night at the hostel. Some loved it, some thought it was overrated. Eh, can't win em' all. I was fine with the whole castle thing. I got a bit confused at first and went to a monestaray that wasn't so cool. Like two dollars to enter but ten dollars to use a camera? Really? I took one shot just because that was so stupid.


Then I continued onto the main event. The castle. I stupidly thought I was running late and had to buy a ticket immediately. So I did. I bought a ticket for what turned out to be all the boring parts. The most interesting and only free part of the place was the Church. Super Fail. It's okay I guess. The stain glass was amazing and abundant and it was a nice caper to my night of wandering. Back to the hostel for happy hour I go as everything is closing around me.....

Beautiful stained glass in the chapel

On my walk back to the trolley I passed through the center of town and stopped to admire the Astronomical Clock. This is the meeting place of what seems to be every single tour in Prague. Always a crowd.


Days 154 and 155 Seeking out crystal in Prague


Arriving in Prague I am awestruck by the beauty of just the regular street down from my hostel. The hostel I am staying at is a bit out of the city, but that is fine with me. I have a decent room and a place to read a book for a bit as I could use a minute or two of downtime.

In the morning I took off solo in search of something nobody else would have ever put up searching for. I went scouring for Czech crystal beads. I got a few directions from the girl working at the hostel, but I didn't have a concrete go here circled on the map. Which would have been helpful. I got lost all day. I walked all day. I constantly was looking at my battered map going huh, I thought I was on the other end of town. I should have been angry. I should have given up but it was SUNNY! Yes finally, after forever and a year I see the sun and it is warm enough to not shiver. I also wasn't going to be bested by tiny pieces of rock, so I kept on searching.

At about 4pm I found the beads. Whooot! They are beautiful and special because they are going to be personally hand delivered to my mother for her stringing enjoyment. She'll love them! And as a trade off I had a great day free of live changing tourist stops. A day just to walk and look and not tick things off a list is what every long-term traveler needs.

Some cool things I saw along the knew I was going to take pictures, right?



Glasgow! Days 175-179


The ONE good picture I got before being hit by a more to see how that happens.

After a nice drive up to Edinburgh with Stu's parents I took the train out to Glasgow to see the sights for a couple of days. At the hostel I got settled and met up with a group of travelers all at different points in their journeys. After we bid farewell to a couple heading out on the train, an American girl from Florida and I headed out for a "quick bite to eat." A quick bite turned into a second beer and a realization that the restaurant was closing. Then we moved next door to see what was going on. A few drinks, a Lady Gaga karaoke experience and a few colorful run-ins with fellow pub goers and we are looking at our watches and wondering how it got to be 2 a.m. A long and loud trip to the after hours hours kebab joint and I head back to the hostel at the fine time of 4 a.m. and I am not either engaged or bought a llama farm. Either are equally likely.

Do you know what happens when you don't go back to the home until 4 a.m.? You wake up that much later the following day. Meeting up for a curry lunch at 2 p.m. we did what we could with the rest of our day. We set out on adventures that lead us astray and arriving at museums and sights after they have closed. Accepting this challenge we decide that the journey was going to have to be our highlight of the day and started looking for interesting things to photograph. While walking along the road engaging in light conversation about the funny luck we had been having that day I was lightly hit by a van window as it made its way past us to the stop light. At this point I am sure that I will have a bruise from the blunt contact and all will be okay. A few minutes later as I whip out my beloved camera and try to turn it on. I tried to turn it on....on. ON! No such luck. My poor little camera that has received medical attention in the states and many new batteries is now non-responsive and I am heartbroken. With a fake smile I head back to the hostel and grab dinner for a quiet night in.

The next morning my Floridian friend sets off for a journey to see puffins? penguins? some kind of seal? I had all the intentions of participating until my camera was busted. I felt like I had to see what could be done to fix it and I would be a little bitter/bored on a bird tour if I couldn't take pictures. At the camera doctor I learned that it would not be feasible to revive my camera and the endeavor would take more time then my stop in Glasgow allows. Sadly I hit the sights that Stuart mentioned and headed back to the hostel. At the hostel I got a re-cap of the tour of Scottish turkeys? I still have no idea what they were exactly out to see on that adventure. Even after the re-cap. We bid a farewell and she set out for the train back south and I started chatting with the other hostels and had myself another memorable night out with a group of people in town for the PINK concert. Yep. Pink!

Saturday is transit day. Waking up, packing, coffeeing, training, walking and ending up at Stu's sisters house to be welcomed to my FAVORITE apartment ever. After a lot of conversation about going out James and I decide that our Fridays were too much fun and settle for watching some tv and discussing travel plans.

Days 166, 167, 168 London Calling

Whew. Arriving in London took it out of me. I was super tired from my long but amazing day with the Dutchies and not all that prepared for immigration. First hold up since my work visa fiasco coming back from Bali last year. I didn't have anything printed out. Well, not nothing. A bus ticket to Lancaster for later this week but that didn't help me much at all. I was grilled by the immigration lady mostly because I was American, but I have to admit that coming in and out of the EU had been so easy that my level of preparedness had dropped significantly. A few tears later she let me in. I think I even rambled on about wanting to see my Grandmother's country..Who knows, rattled and a bit put off by the whole situation I was on a bus to the city center.

Finding my hostel was easy enough. I picked one on recommendation and found it to be a relaxed little pub with a few dorm rooms upstairs. This was a plus and minus. While the people were chill and made for a nice conversation after the days end no on seemed to be touring. Most of the people there were on working holiday visas and busy sorting out jobs and apartments not stalking the Queen.

The first night I SHOPPED! Oh yes I did. London has a reputation for fabulous shopping and I gave in and bought too much for one trip. I stopped by Topshop and bought a great pair of earrings and then found a replacement pair of sandals as well. I will spare you the details of the rest of the trip, but I was whipping out that credit card like I had a job and didn't have to carry the all this crap for the next month. That evening I did something I haven't done in years! I saw a live show. Not just anybody, Local Natives, a band that's only cd has seen me through my travels and is rapidly climbing its way to the most played spot on my ipod! A bit nervous at first to go to a show solo, I got an early start and had a dinner of coffee before entering a popular venue in London, The Shepherd's Green. Grabbing a drink and finding a seat just in time for intermission proved to be the best move I made that day. I spent the time making friends with a guy from Chicago that was by chance sitting next to me, also on his own. Having someone to chat with made it that much better as I caught my first taste of live music since November, 2007 when I saw the Two Gallants in Seattle. Great end to a first day in the UK!

Day two I got an early start and got lost quite a bit in my quest to absorb as much Vitamin D as possible and the fact that the tube is like 5 pounds (8 dollars) a ride.....That being said, I found myself at one point staring at the British National Museum. A bit perplexed at how I got there, but happy to take a gander. All museums in England are free to visit. BEST COUNTRY EVER! I dotted around and caught my share of national treasures. I then pushed on to Camdentown. I visited the market, locks and had a great supper. I then headed back to the hostel and talked with a few girls who were just on a stopover at the end of the trip. Great stories and beer made for a good night.

British National Musuem

Cutest tourist ever at the British Museum.

Relaxing at Hyde Park

Day three I basked in the sunshine. Love it! The sunshine made my mad dash to see all of London in one day a way better experience. After a quick breakfast in the park I was off to catch the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. From there it was a walk to Westministers Abbey complete with an encounter with an awkwardly large bird. A stop at the London Eye followed up by a trip to the Tate Modern and I was exhausted. After hanging by the water I headed back on the most direct route to the hostel that may have been down Oxford Street. For all the restraint I practiced in Korea saving for this trip I have lapsed back into the shopper that I truly am. I'm okay with that, but no okay with my heavier backpack.

Changing of the Guard

Church near Westministers Abbey

Awkward large bird in the park...

London Eye

Days 164 and 165 Am-ster- DAAAM!


Pretty excited for my next stop in Amsterdam even if it is only for a couple of days. I arrived fresh off the train in the early afternoon and rented a bike to get about town. This was my only day in town to see the sights before meeting up with my favorite Dutchies I met in Asia.

I made a trip out to the Van Gogh Museum. The price was a bit steep but the sights were priceless. I saw so many paintings that are reprinted on everything from notebooks to coffee mugs to vinyl wall paintings in Korea. So, even though choosing one thing to see that afternoon was hard, I am happy I chose Van Gogh!

That evening I found some dinner and read a bit in the park. It is so relaxing and something that is hard to manage at home and never really happened in Seoul at all. The next morning Jacqui will be around the pick me up!

World Cup Craziness

IMG_4216 houseboats

Monday morning my friend Jacqui, who I met in Vietnam, picked me up for a day on the town and what I decided later on my flight to London was the best possible Amsterdam day. We first had a cup of coffee and a catch up at a cafe near Voldham Park. Next stop was a walk through the Red Light District. Not as impressive as I thought it would be. There were some pretty women and some not so easy on the eyes standing in their doorways or windows waiting for customers. Their doors were mostly in small alleys with lights outside to indicate whether they were busy or not. Jacqui found this as entertaining as I because she, having lived around the city all her life, had never been there. Next on the agenda was finding me a Windmill, check!


After a delicious lunch at a cute cafe in the park we headed across the river to the restaurant my friend Lotte works at. There we had some bubbly, beer, great food and better conversation. It's funny how fast you get to know people when you are traveling and then how quick they are gone :(, being able to catch up with them in their part of the world was amazing!

Jacqui and I after lunch at the park

Lotte love! In hindsight I should have gotten a picture of all three of us.

Coffee on the patio, best patio in Amsterdam btw

Reluctantly I headed back to the hostel after a stop for one last beer and chat. Tomorrow I fly out to London, I am super excited to get to England, but I am well aware that this is all coming to an end. England - Scotland - back to Spain and then, home.......

Days 161, 162, 163 In Dusseldorf I met a clown.....


No, I didn't meet a clown as Regina Spektor claims in her song about her European travels titled Dusseldorf. I met a few friends I made on the backpackers trail in Thailand. Halina, Sepi and I met on a night train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Sweetest girls in the world and gracious hostesses for a weekend in Dusseldorf.

Sepi found me at the train station and we hightailed it over to an ice cream shop that Halina was working at for a scope of ice cream and some catching up. After a few hours and couple of cups of coffee later we headed back to Sepi's apartment to crash. I had a late night and she has to work in the morning so it seemed to be the consensus that we get to sleep at a decent hour.

The next day I meandered the shops of Dusseldorf. I found a few great summer shirts, had a starbucks and walked along the river. Great sun, great coffee and some good shopping finds...couldn't ask for much more. After work Sepi and I met up near the water and visited her friends house for a bit of dinner and a look at the world cup game. We then headed out for some drinks and ended up at an Irish pub for Kareokee night. Good time had by all and we just caught the last train back to Sepi's apartment.

Party Biiiike!

Saturday both the girls had off from work! We took the morning to partake in a photo shoot of sorts. Halina loves to take photographs and has worked as a photographer. These two are often off taking photographs in different places with quirky clothes and accessories. We took a few photos, stopped by the tents to glance at a football game and found some delicious Thai food on our way back to a friends shop. Their friend gave us a ride home and this was my first time on the autobahn. No speed limit brings us to 200km + an hour. Too fast for me. But an experience all the same. We then hung out at Sepi's place. Looking at some pictures from the remainders of their travels and talking about where I had left to go.

Photo I took of the tv tower

Photo by Halina

Photo by Halina

Go Germany! Photo from Halina


Day 160 the Berlin wall and a catch up with a friend made along the way.


Today I had a sleep in and decided to take on one of the most popular stops in Berlin, the Berlin Wall. I chose to visit the East Gallery. The East Gallery is repainted every so often by famous artist from around the globe. Peace and unity seem to be the theme throughout the wall. I took wayyyy too many pictures and then stuck my toes in the sand by the river for an hour or so to revel in the sun and read a bit of my book.


My sand hangout for a few hours.

I then made a mad attempt to check things off my list of wish-I-would-have-stayed-here longer list. I only achieved at crossing off one. The Berliner dome. I didn't have enough time to justify going to a gallery as I am meeting Eliza back at the hostel to grab drinks with a Berlinite (?) that I met in Lisbon, Portugal at the near start of this European adventure.

Berliner Dom

That evening my hostel friend Eliza and I were taken to a great bar with 3.50 euro cocktails by Polina, a fellow traveler I met in Lisbon. Those who have traveled Europe know that is a steal in Western Europe for a drink out on the town. We had a few drinks and talked about the rest of our trip, my German friend's trip to Canada for school. Grand ole' evening followed up by a short nap before an early bus to Dusseldorf where I will be reunited with some travel friends I met on the train to Chiang Mai in Thailand :)

Day 159: An Alternative view of Berlin

Today I went on the Alternative walking tour with an Australian girl I met from the hostel. Us and about 15 other people took off for a walk-a-bout the city to see some of the great graffiti and artist collectives that make Berlin a funky place to be.

Having reformed my souvenir purchasing because of limited space in my backpack and the fact that I broke the first things I bought, I have managed to keep a poster tube alive and I added a great print from a local artist to take back to the states and one day give a funky frame and home on my wall. Score.

After our walking tour my hostel friend and I stopped to get a few brews and chat outside in the SUNSHINE. Berlin could have been a disgusting excuse for a city and the sunshine would have made it a win. I now have just the hint of red that means a tan is in my future. Today was a success for sure.

Awesome house that is repainted frequently on all sides

Largest Stencil in the world, I believe

Iron statue at the artist collective